In 1975 he was 40 years old, and he was well-known already: his performances were popular; he was a member of the editorial board of a famous literary magazine. Any path was open before him, but he chose a different way.
After putting down the Prague Spring, he challenged the authorities having written an open and furious letter addressed to the President of Czechoslovakia occupied by the Soviet troops. He was arrested, accused of attacking a civil servant and put into prison. Later on he was released, accused of an attempt to overthrow the communist regime, imprisoned for 4 years and 5 months, released again and imprisoned again in 1989.
He spent years in prison and turned into an unbreakable leader of his people – a future president of the Czech Republic. His name is Vaclav Havel. Like Thomas Masaryk, the founder of the Czech Republic, he was an embodiment of the best qualities of a statesman - i.e. mind, fortitude, strength and decency.
… The West (and Canada now as well) presents a gloomy picture of impending darkness and tyranny, which wasn’t known to the civilized world for centuries. This is the world, where an aggressive, patriarchal and primitive religion has taken roots in the very heart of the continent; where bearers of dark prejudices, intolerance and barbarism, who came from the far ends of Asia and Africa, murder, rape, mock and disparage those who trustfully and carelessly opened their doors to them. This is the world, where the elite have turned into Quisling’s followers, the guides of colonization, and governments of the countries have chosen (more or less eagerly) the role of Vichy.
However, we notice a striking phenomenon: masses of people doomed to inevitable suffering keep silent or, at best, passively and anonymously express their disagreement during elections - although they have almost no chance to win, since the whole state system is aimed at brainwashing, and people of Western Europe and Canada are deprived of individualism and self-righteousness, like people of America. Undoubtedly, there are those who dared to raise their voice against the invading despotism, but there are few of them, surprisingly very few for a society, which is still relatively open. This applies to both intellectuals and ordinary people.
I am not talking about the so called “useful idiots” - sectarians blinded by ideological clichés and ready to use corpses of their compatriots to pave their path to Pastures of Hell. I am not talking about those who receive grants and privileges - they have chosen this cynical and dirty role. I am talking about thousands of ordinary professors, teachers, lawyers, writers, actors, filmmakers, journalists. I am talking about priests and rabbis, human rights activists, feminists, activists of the LGBT community - those who will be the first victims of the forthcoming theocracy, and they will not be granted an easy death.
What makes those, whose relatives, friends and neighbors are blown up, raped, humiliated and held in awe, keep silent? Haven’t they already lost a sense of security and quietness in their own home/street/city? We see sentimental scenes with weeping people, toys, candles and wreaths at places of massacre, where mass demonstrations, rallies of protest and pickets are needed instead. We see exalted opponents of Marin Le Pen and Geert Wilders, The Women's Marches, but we do not see any opponents of political correctness tyranny. Why do they submit their throats to murderers, being obedient like sheep?
What is this - self-censorship, conformism, hope that they will avoid the fate of being a victim? They won’t escape this. After the terrorist attack in Manchester, the pop star Katy Perry, the Mayor of London Siddiq Khan and the member of the French Senate after Nice Nathalie Goulet expressed the opinion of the Western elite by saying that Europeans should get used to terrorist attacks. And they will make them get used to it. Finally, they will get used to the fate of the so called "dhimmis" - semi-slaves, human cattle, whose lives will be taken by servants of the bloodthirsty cult.
Do they fear to turn into racists, fascists, Islamophobes? Do the fear to lose jobs, career growth, invitations to conferences on human rights and inter-confessional dialogue? Do they fear to pay a fine for defamation?
.. I started this article with Vaclav Havel’s story not accidentally. For decades, the world has witnessed Eastern European people desperately struggling for their rights and dignity against tyranny. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the Prague Spring, the Polish Solidarity, the Romanian revolution against Ceausescu’s dictatorship, the courage of the Lithuanians who escaped the “bear embrace” of the Soviet empire in January 1991 at the cost of dozens of lives – crowds of people led by the intellectual class walked out to the streets and were confronted not by courts or comments on Facebook and anonymous threats on Twitter, but by bullets, tanks and the State Security. They had neither lawyers, no rights. They knew that they could be put into prison for years, like Havel, or even die (Havel's friend philosopher Jan Patočka died during an interrogation). Nevertheless, Eastern Europeans became stronger owing to this experience, ready to defend Democracy and their freedom. They gained immunity against universalistic utopias and put forward courageous and determined leaders.
There was a powerful dissident movement in the very citadel of Soviet tyranny. Many of them have disappeared in prisons, camps and psychiatric hospitals. They shared prison cells with criminals, who were encouraged to commit bullying and sexual violence (carte blanche) against them. Most of the Soviet dissidents were represented by scientists and writers headed by the academic Andrey Sakharov – they were the color of the nation. During the Soviet Coup in August 1991, armored troop carriers in Moscow crushed three people, but the restoration of the Soviet regime was prevented.
In our time, Ukrainians have overthrown their corrupt ruler, and in Moscow people go out to protests against autocracy. In Israel, after the vicious Oslo agreements and the following murderous mass terrorist attacks, tens of thousands of people repeatedly took to the streets demanding to stop inhuman political experiments on the living body of the society. People blocked the roads, organized marches to the Prime Minister's residence. About eight years ago, the mass outbreak forced the Israeli government, despite a rageful opposition from left organizations and the media, to build a fence on the border with Egypt to protect the country against hordes of African migrants.
It is symbolic that Pegida, which did not find followers in the rest of Western Europe, appeared on the territory of the former German Democratic Republic.
Democracy is not just voting once in every four years. First of all, this is a civic activity and courage - not a weeping child in a kindergarten. A primary task of a democratic state is a protection of its people. If a state and elites do not comply with the Social contract, and what is even worse – sacrifice their own people, culturally and physically, in the name of a dubious ideology, utopian conception and personal interests, people have their right to demand its revision. They have a full right not to allow totalitarian structures (and the Western elite has implanted a sophisticated cultural totalitarianism) turn them into guinea pigs of social engineering.
In 1984, in the essay called Politics and Conscience Havel wrote: “I advocate an anti-political policy, that is a policy considered to be not a method of power and manipulation, not a cybernetic system for managing human beings and not a pragmatic person’s skill, but one of the ways to seek and achieve a meaningful life, protect such life and serve it. I advocate a policy considered to be practical ethics, service to the truth, people’s care of their fellow human beings, measurable by human standards.”
The Western elite have created a system of manipulating human beings having forgotten that they dealt with real people, their lives and feelings.
Havel called communist regimes Absurdistan (The Land of Absurd). Today Absurdistan is the West and, most of all, Western Europe, where freedom is destroyed under the guise of its protection, where the right of migrants to murder and rape is above the right of law-abiding citizens to live a normal and safe life, where democratic institutions are used to implant the worst possible kind of theocracy.
Nowadays people still have an opportunity to prevent the despotism. However, censorship is getting stricter, penalties are increasing, colonization is spreading rapidly like cancer cells, and the window of possibilities is narrowing. A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of the Caliphate.
(Author of “Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger)”, published recently by Xlibris, Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble).