In front of the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, a demonstration against the construction freeze in Judea and Samaria is taking place in general, and the failure to fulfill the promise to build hundreds of housing units in Beit El in particular.
Beit El Mayor Shai Alon said at the start of the demonstration, "The Prime Minister asked us to meet with him personally - this is what happened a few minutes ago, and he said that the building would start as soon as possible. I asked what as soon as possible meant, and received no answer. Since we got no answer, we are staying here until we receive approval from the Housing Ministry to market these 300 units."
"Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu cheated us twice," declared Alon, to the background noise of catcalls booing Netanyahu. "He pledged to build 300 housing units in multi-storey buildings, we convinced the residents that he would stand by his word, the land was allocated, but Netanyahu forbade the Housing Ministry to market them. We kept quiet and held back.Two years ago with the Drainoff houses we had the same promise and again we were cheated.
"Five years since the Ulpana agreement, not a single house in Beit El, does the Prime Minister want to turn Beit El into an old-age home? For ten years have not one housing unit has been built, and the children of Beit El have nowhere to live. The sound of children's voices in the community has diminished, day-care centers have closed, and the first and second grades have dwindled.In Qalqiliya, the government approved 15,000 new apartments and Beit El - zero," Alon said.
He revealed that the next step would be a petition to the High Court against the Prime Minister. "I intend to submit a petition to the High Court of Justice against the Israeli government and its leader for violating a government commitment," he said, adding that "perhaps the judges, whom the Prime Minister always relies on, will put an end to the culture of deception that Netanyahu has bequeathed us."
MK Nissan Slomianski (Jewish Home) claimed that "the Prime Minister thinks we are stupid."
"He sells us the same houses time after time," Slomianski said.