One of the world’s largest news media outlets has come under fire for its use of an anti-Semitic caricature and anti-Jewish canard in a Twitter post condemning climate change skeptics.
Al Jazeera English, a member of the Qatar-based Al Jazeera Media Network, tweeted Wednesday night a bizarre post invoking Protocols of the Elders of Zion-style anti-Semitic canards in a critique of people skeptical of man-made global warming.
“Why you shouldn’t trust climate change deniers,” the tweet reads. Underneath is a caricature of a Jewish man, greedily rubbing his hands. Next to the image is text reading “He, he, he, my global warming, uh, I mean, climate change scam is working out perfectly for our long term Talmudic plan of world domination.”
Not surprisingly, Al Jazeera’s use of classic anti-Semitic imagery immediately caught the attention of online media outlets, including The Daily Caller website.
Following the inevitable backlash, Al Jazeera deleted the tweet, though a screenshot of the offending post was preserved.