250 schoolgirls wrote a letter to the Commanding Officer of the Central Command (GOC) regarding Yitzhar resident Elkana Pikhar, whom the Central Command is attempting to distance from his home.
In their letter, the girls asked the GOC Central Command not to sign the order expelling Pikhar from his home.
"We, the girls of the Nahalat Tzvi School in Elon Moreh, the friends of the daughters of the Pikhar family, call out to GOC Central Command Roni Numa: Do not expel our friends' father from his home!"
"Busy yourself with fighting our Arab enemies, and leave good Jewish 'settlers' alone. Do not cause a rift between the IDF and good Jews who love the land of Israel!"
The petition was signed by 250 girls in grades 1-8, who hail from various towns in the region. All of the girls are friends of the Pikhar girls, who attend their school.
Last week, Attorney Menashe Yado of Honenu sent a detailed letter to GOC Central Command Numa explaining why he should not place Pikhar under administrative detention. Among other things Yado said such a detention would seriously harm the Pikhar family's freedom and financial situation.
Yado has not yet received an answer from Numa.