MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) announced that he will propose a bill to apply Israeli sovereignty over all towns and villages in Greater Jerusalem, including the Gush Etzion communities. Judea and Samaria's Jewish communities, all in what is delineated as Area C, are ruled by an IDF Civil Administration, not Israeli law.
MK Glick met with the Shlomo Neeman, one of the mayoral candidates in elections for the Gush Etzion Regional Council, and concluded with him that the law should include all the Gush Etzion communities, east and west.
According to Glick, "The fiftieth year of Judea and Samaria's liberation should become the year of sovereignty; it is not enough just to have sovereignty over Maale Adumim. Jerusalem, Israel's capital needs to be strengthened demographically to manifest a Zionist majority both in terms of sovereignty and the economic aspects. The Greater Jerusalem Sovereignty Law mandates that the State of Israel apply Israeli law and justice to Gush Etzion, Ma'aleh Adumim, Givat Zeev, Betar Illit, Adam, Ma'ale Michmash, and Psagot.
"A belt of towns under Israeli sovereignty would strengthen Jerusalem and remove from the agenda the idea of a Palestinian state and the shrinking of Jewish settlement into blocs," said MK Glick.