Indiana University said it contacted the FBI after white supremacist fliers were found posted on the Bloomington campus.
In a statement Tuesday, Provost and Executive Vice President Lauren Robel said the fliers were put up "by a group that identifies with white supremacy" and targeted minority faculty members.
"Posted under cover of darkness, targeting the office doors of faculty members of color or scholars of race and ethnicity, these flyers were clearly meant to intimidate, threaten, scare, and provoke anger among faculty, staff, students and visitors," Robel wrote. "The university is working with the police and has notified the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
Robel said the university rejects racism and discrimination and said the fliers run counter to the school's values.
"Our campus unequivocally rejects the cowardice and ugliness that this group’s action represents," Robel wrote. "We stand together as a community in the face of this abhorrent action. We will not be divided by cowards. This is a university. We discuss ideas in the full light of day."