Due to various reports in the media documenting the harassment young haredi men undergo because of their decision to join the IDF, attacks on them during their service, and incitement against them in some haredi media organizations, subcommittee chairman of the IDF Human Resources, Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Amir Ohana (Likud)will hold an urgent discussion on harassment and persecution of haredi soldiers.
MK Ohana invited Defense Ministry officials, representatives of the Israel Police Investigations Department, prosecutor's office representatives from the Justice Department, and representatives of the IDF Manpower Division to the meeting. In addition, MK Ohana invited haredi soldiers who have experienced and/or are suffering incitement, injury, or harassment in haredi society. Ohana also invited all members of the various Knesset factions.
MK Ohana said: "Instead of being grateful to those who are inducted even though they could avoid it, and are engaged not only in the routine security of Israel but also in building bridges among various sectors of society that if it were not for them, would remain polarized - there are elements in haredi society that persecute them. We will persecute them back."
MK Ohana added that: "I want to commend the Likud haredi faction headed by Yaakov Weider, who works tirelessly to bring the haredi public in Israel together with other sectors, and who initiated the discussion and continues working to eradicate violence against haredi soldiers."