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US President-elect Donald Trump's Indonesian business partner Global Mediacom CEO Hary Tanoesoedibjo told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, "If there is no one I can believe who can fix the problems of the country, I may try to run for president."

He added that running for election would be "not for myself, for the country" and that the country needs "a leader with integrity who can bring a solution for the country."

Tanoesoedibjo attempted in 2014 to be nominated for vice-president, and has his own political party. He uses Twitter and TV to build his political platform, and has already arranged for two Indonesian politicians to met Trump.

Current Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama is fighting Muslim Indonesians who oppose the idea of a Chinese Christian Indonesian running the country. Tanoesoedibjo, who is also Chinese Christian Indonesian, would need to continue fighting a similar battle were he to be elected.

However, Tanoesoedibjo believes "the majority of the people are more realistic. They want to see a leader who can bring solutions" and are ready for a leader of any background. In his opinion, "The issue is more with President Jokowi. He has to show his leadership is firm enough to make people calm down."