The "Tzabar" satire group, together with the Derech Haim Movement's "Enough of the Supreme Court's Dictatorship!" project has published a satirical video showing how the Israeli Supreme Court runs Israelis' lives against their will and against the will of the government.

The video shows a bearded, impish-looking man named Bagtzi interfering in an Israeli's choice of t-shirt, telling him what to put in his falafel and then eating it, and even reaching over to steer the car in the wrong direction. The Israeli's protests are ignored. At the end of the video, the imp jumps onto the Israel's back, forcing him over. The video ends with the imp saying, "This kind of service would be great in Syria and Russia."

"Now in Israel: Baga"tz. We decide for you. We put an end to your independence," is the video's ditty and motto.

"The video attempts to show the Israeli Supreme Court's extreme involvement in decisions which are out of their jurisdiction," explained a Derech Haim representative. "We need to put an end to the Supreme Court's dictatorship. This dictatorship is a result of the Supreme Court's ego and feelings of supremacy, but it harms everyone. It harms Jewish identity, it harms Israel socially, it harms security, and it harms our economy."

Activists also demonstrated outside the Supreme Court building, and outside Supreme Court President Miriam Naor's home. They also handed out stickers and fliers, sent interim notices to municipalities, and plastered notices on walls.

In Hebrew, the Supreme Court is called the "Baga"tz," acronym for Beit Din Gavoa Letzedek, literally the High Court of Justice. Thus the nickname "Bagtzi" in the video for the interfering interloper.

Hebrew video:

סרטון חדש: 'בג"צי' – מחליטים בשבילך