Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared on stage in an opera performed at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.
Ginsburg, 83, performed Saturday night with the Washington National Opera in "The Daughter of the Regiment" by Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti. She played the role of the Duchess of Krakenthorp.
Some of her lines were rewritten to reflect the current political climate, according to reports. The Los Angeles Times reported that Ginsburg did the rewriting. The new lines referenced among other issues the "birther" campaign against President Barack Obama and her 2013 dissent against weakening the Voting Rights Act.
Ginsburg, who reportedly is an opera fan, did not sing, and delivered her lines in English rather than French.
She wore a floor-length green gown and sat in a huge chair that did not allow her feet to reach the floor, according to reports.