
An Egged bus driver has been fired from his job two weeks after he called a passenger a "smelly Dos," using an anti-haredi pejorative.

Egged reported that "Due to his continuous worrisome behavior we decided mutually to stop our connection with him. The driver no longer works with Egged due to the continuous series of worrying events with reference to poor and unsatisfactory customer service."

The incident occurred roughly two weeks ago on a number 75 bus in which passengers ascend from all the doors and independently charge their automatic tickets.

A soldier serving in the IDF's Army Radio station carried a form which enabled him free passage even while wearing civilian clothes. He ascended the bus at one of the doors and the driver, noticing a youth in haredi clothes who did not charge his ticket, called him over and from there events developed into epithets and expletives from the driver towards the haredi soldier.

נהג האוטובוס מקלל חיילגלי צה"ל