Dozens of activists from the Lehava organization broke into a Christian conference in the Clal Center in Jerusalem on Thursday.
The conference, which was held in the main hall of the Clal Center building, drew the attention of the anti-assimilation group Lehava. Tens of activists and Lehava chief Bentzi Gopshtain entered the hall, disrupting the event and confronting participants.
A spokesperson for Lehava claimed the conference was a missionary event.
Police were called to the scene but were initially unable to restore order. Eventually two protesters, one of them Gopshtain, were detained for questioning.
A Jerusalem Police spokesperson stated that “During the course of the event, which took place in the Clal Center on Jaffa Street, a number of right-wing activists arrived and disrupted the event. Two right-wing activists were arrested after they refused to heed police instructions, and continued to interfere with the event and disturb the public peace with shouts and their confrontation with police officers.”