MK Oren Hazan (Likud) on Monday criticized the decision of the Knesset's Ethics Committee to reprimand him for instigating a commotion in the Knesset involving MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint List).
At the same time, Hazan said he was proud of the fact that his actions ultimately led to Zoabi also being reprimanded by the Ethics Committee for her inflammatory comments in a debate about the reconciliation deal with Turkey, during which she accused IDF soldiers of murder.
"Unfortunately, the Knesset is becoming more and more leftist by the day, it is placating the media and losing the public's trust more and more. I am proud to be a 'defendant' because the 'Zoabi commotion' broke out because of it and am also proud for once again exposing the true face of the terrorist Zoabi and preventing her from continuing to humiliate us at the Knesset plenum,” said Hazan.
“The commotion broke out because of her serious comments, which have no place in the discourse in Israel. Among other things she accused our soldiers of being killers and said that they should apologize to her for the Mavi Marmara incident. All this came while soldiers and officers sat stunned in the audience,” he continued.
“I'm ashamed of the fact that they're comparing me, who prevented Zoabi from continuing to harm IDF soldiers, to a person who harmed IDF and the State of Israel and ashamed that we are both given a penalty of similar severity. A punishment rather than praise to a person who did not agree to ignore her comments? A punishment for a person who once again exposed the face of a terrorist? The committee saw fit to back MK Zoabi and reprimand me?” said Hazan.
“I am surprised, to say the least, by the fact that other Knesset members who pushed, spat and cursed, did not receive any punishment, while I received the most severe reprimand despite making sure to stay far away, not go near the violence, and remain in my seat. If this is not persecution and an attempt to shut a person up, and everyone knows who is behind the persecution and leads it, I do not know what is cynicism, insensitivity and persecution,” he charged.
Hazan also said he intends to appeal the reprimand.