The parents of fallen soldier Oron Shaul, whose body is being held by Hamas, are expected to continue their efforts this morning to secure the return of their son's body by physically blocking the visitation of Hamas terrorists' families to Nafcha Prison in the South, where the terrorists are jailed, Yediot Ahronot reported.
The family plans to stand at the entrance of the prison and physically block the entry of the terrorists' families.
"Just as I am deprived the humanitarian right to know what's going on with my son in the hands of Hamas, so we won't allow the families of terrorists to enjoy the benefits of Geneva Convention."
The move comes after the request of the Shaul family yesterday that jailed terrorists not be allowed to watch the Euro championship soccer game. The Israeli Supreme Court rejected the request.
Benefits that terrorists jailed in Israeli prisons receive include family visitations every two weeks, television, and money deposits that the terrorists can use to buy items in the prison canteen.