Dozens of Samaria residents entered Yehoshua bin Nun's grave, located in Kifl Hares, early Thursday morning. While there, they prayed the morning prayers and read the Megillah.
Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan told the worshipers, "Precisely at this time, when the whole world is being attacked by the Arab world, we have come here on the holiday of Purim to be strengthened by Queen Esther's courage and the leader and commander Yehoshua bin Nun's resolution.
"The two figures represent the fighting Jew that picks himself up and fights for his future. We hope that our leaders will also learn from their examples. They should pick up their heads and not give in to every rustle of unease from Europe, which itself doesn't know how to handle the challenges it faces."
Ariel Mayor Eli Shaviro added that "Our strength is in our unity," and thanked the IDF soldiers for their efforts on behalf of the citizens of Israel.
Brigadier General Lior Carmeli, the head of the army's Judea and Samaria Divison, praised the attendees. "I am glad to be here with the residents who are, themselves, strong people as well as happy people. The IDF's role is to be strong on the outside, and yours is to be strong from the inside."
Deputy Regional Council head Davidi ben-Tzion also took part in the event. He said, "Yehoshua bin Nun was the first settler and the first Israeli Chief of Staff, and we are proud to follow in his path. Chaim Weizmann used to say that the State of Israel does not rely on miracles but definitely takes them into account. Reading Megillat Esther at Yehoshua bin Nun's grave is a holy combination of natural leadership and expecting a miracle.
The worshipers entered with the support of the Regional Council and accompanied by the IDF.