The implementation of the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers is “a dangerous moment for America and our allies”, the American pro-Israel lobby AIPAC warned on Sunday night.
In a statement, AIPAC said the implementation “is a turning point in Iran’s strength as a terrorist state and in its ability to pursue regional dominance. Starting today, Iran can repatriate tens of billions of dollars from frozen foreign accounts, fueling its efforts to expand its reach across the region. The international community will dismantle its elaborate sanctions regime, and Iran will start down the path to legitimize its illicit nuclear program."
“Before Implementation Day arrived,” the statement continued, “Iran brazenly violated mandatory United Nations Security Council resolutions by conducting prohibited ballistic missile tests. Iran also stepped up its support for Syria’s Assad, Hezbollah, and Tehran’s other terrorist allies. Moreover, the International Atomic Energy Agency closed the files on the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program despite the failure by Tehran to explain its past illicit nuclear activities.”
AIPAC warned, “These failures to penalize Iran for its irresponsible behavior, violations of international restrictions and failure to come clean on its past nuclear activities hardly inspire confidence for the strict implementation of the JCPOA.”
“This is a dangerous moment for America and our allies. We need to hold Iran to the commitments it made when it accepted the JCPOA. Congress and the executive branch must also live up to their own commitments, responding to Iranian violations of the JCPOA with certain, swift and severe penalties. In addition, we must confront Iran’s continued support for terrorism and arming of regional proxies and take firm action to support our regional allies, especially Israel,” said the group.
“A peaceful and secure world requires that Iran never attain a nuclear weapon nor dominate its neighbors. Today, AIPAC urges the President and Congress to resolutely pursue those objectives,” concluded the AIPAC statement.
Earlier on Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that Iran has fulfilled its initial obligations under the terms of the nuclear deal reached with world powers last July, paving the way for the first stage of sanctions relief.
Implementation of the nuclear deal comes despite aDecember 2 report from the IAEA which concluded that Iran made a "coordinated" effort to develop nuclear weapons in the past, although the efforts apparently ended at an early stage.