Former MK Moshe Feiglin, who heads the Zehut party, mocked Jewish Home Chairman and Education Minister Naftali Bennett's decision to organize a run through the streets of Tel Aviv Sunday evening, as a gesture that only underscores the government's inability to stop the current terror wave.
"In response to the terror attack in Tel Aviv, our PM lights memorial candles. The President goes to visit a kindergarten and the Education Minister goes jogging," wrote Feiglin.
"Do you remember Ariel Sharon’s 'Restraint is Strength' motto? That motto brought us the destruction of Gush Katif and rockets raining on Tel Aviv. Because when you restrain yourself in the face of your foe, you ultimately fight against your friend," he determined.
The symbolic moves by government leaders are serving "as a replacement for its fiascos and impotence," he charged, as part of a "farce" that says “let’s continue as if nothing happened and that shows how strong we are."
"Israel’s government has no inkling of what action to take against this lone-terrorist intifada," wrote Feiglin. "There is no organization behind them, nobody is sending them. The government is not willing to violate the rules of democracy. So all that is left is to light candles."
In a reference to the alleged torture of Jewish youths suspected of the Duma arson-murders, the former Likud MK noted that the government is willing to bend the rules sometimes, and asks why it cannot do the same in the face of the current terror wave.
Feiglin offers two courses of action: revoke the citizenship and National Insurance rights of all the residents of the village in which the terrorist lives, and expel the terrorist’s entire family from the country.
What Feiglin does not offer is a way to prevent the Attorney General and High Court from declaring such actions illegal and refusing to allow them, as they doubtless would do if the government attempted them.
Minister Bennett called on parents Monday to send their children to school in spite of the security threat. Last night, at the start of the Tel Aviv jog he organized, Bennett said, “I heard that residents were afraid to leave the house, which is exactly what terrorism wants. They want us to be afraid, scared to leave our house, and to lose our normal life.”
Bennett stressed, ''We need to raise our heads and rejoice. The answer to terrorism is the unity of the people.”