At the annual Chabad Lubavitch International Shluchim Conference in Brooklyn this week, Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky, head shaliach (emissary) to Tel Aviv, sharply denounced the two state solution and blamed the proposal to divide the Jewish state as being responsible for much bloodshed.
Rabbi Gerlitzky, who also is the Chairman of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, spoke before 4,325 Chabad emissaries from around the globe, saying, "we are all here united and larger in number than the representatives in the UN who voted for the two state solution to divide Israel."
"While they represent different countries we represent the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the one and only leader of our generation who vehemently opposed such a scheme," he added, although in fact several other leading figures likewise opposed the move, notable among them former MK Rabbi Meir Kahane.
"Therefore we hereby declare in the name of all the shluchim (emissaries - ed.) that the UN Resolution is null and void and there never, ever will be a Palestinian state alongside Israel and every inch of Eretz Yisroel (the land of Israel - ed.) will remain under control of its rightful owner - Am Yisroel (the people of Israel - ed.),” he declared to resounding applause.
Rabbi Gerlitzky blamed the two state solution for fueling terror, saying that every Arab terrorist teen who is shot trying to stab a Jew in Israel is killed due to the false hope of a two state solution.
The rabbi then quoted the ruling in the Jewish legal text Orach Chaim Chapter 329, which forbids handing over parts of Israel to foreigners given that it can act as a springboard to overrun the entire country.
He said: "from time to time we meet with experts on the Middle East, professors and senior military officials to discuss with them the security situation. They always tell us that the reason an Arab gets up in the morning and decides to stab Jews or spends millions of dollars to buy missiles is because they feel that the entire world believes that they deserve a state of their own and Israel must provide them with more territory for this.
"Hence, they feel that more terror and stabbings will pressure and precipitate Israel to give more and more. In the words of military officials: 'every Israeli declaration that under certain conditions we will be prepared to concede - this in itself is a tailwind to terror.'
"It has nothing to do with the Temple Mount. It has nothing to do with their economic situation and has nothing to with what you hear in the media in Israel or outside Israel. It is has to do with one thing only and that is – the Israeli leadership vacillates, they do not believe and are not confident themselves that Jews are the rightful owners of all of Eretz Yisroel and therefore the Arabs exploit this weakness as an opportunity to pressure more and squeeze out incessant concessions."
The real solution
Rabbi Gerlitzky argued that there can be only one solution, saying, "the moment it will be clear in no uncertain terms that the Palestinians will never have a state of their own under any conditions and Israel will never give up an inch of its land - the pressure will cease.
“When the world will realize that we are dealing here with cold blooded murderers that any concession we make will turn into a springboard that will enable them to overrun the whole country as the Shulchan Aruch rules, once they see that they will never ever get what they want this will eliminate the root cause of the problem.”
The rabbi then noted on a meeting he and a group of rabbis had with US President Barack Obama’s former Middle East envoy Martin Indyk.
"After telling him what Jewish Law states he yelled at us: 'you people need to have your minds switched' and nearly chased us out of his office," recalled Rabbi Gerlitzky.
“At a later date we met with the French Ambassador to Israel and after listening to what we have to say he said, 'look, we tried everything but it didn’t work. Maybe you are right and time has come to try the Torah way and the Halacha (Jewish law - ed.), maybe it will succeed.”