Hamas’s former interior minister recently declared that Allah had created man “to wage jihad” and declared that “this intifada will never stop”.
The address by Fathi Hammad aired on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on October 19 and was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
According to Hammad, Allah took it upon himself “to persecute the Jews - the slayers of the Prophets, the bloodsuckers, the killers of the martyrs and of anyone who sacrifices himself.”
“This intifada and this jihad will never stop despite the security coordination,” he continued. “If you are true Palestinians, you will use weapons not to carry out detentions, not for destruction, and not to bury the intifada alive.”
The video is the latest example of Palestinian incitement against Israel, both on the part of Hamas as well as Fatah, which the West claims is a “moderate peace partner” for Israel. MEMRI has exposed much of this incitement.
Last week, MEMRI posted a video of a professor at the Islamic University of Gaza who said that all Jews in Israel are “fair game” and called for terrorist attacks everywhere in Israel, including in its largest cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa.
Another example of incitement uncovered by MEMRI came in the form of a leading Islamist cleric, who vowed on Hamas’s official television that the terrorist group would "not leave a single Jew, dead or alive... on the land of Islam and the Muslims."
Hammad is no stranger to incitement. Last year he vowed to annihilate the “brothers of apes and pigs”, meaning the Jews.
He has in the past called on Fatah to join Hamas and “wage Jihad” against Israel and has also declared that Israel will be gone in eight years.