British Prime Minister David Cameron offered a "sweet new year' to Jews in the United Kingdom and abroad in a Rosh Hashanah video greeting published on Sunday.
Cameron praised the Jewish concept of tikkun olam (repairing the world) before denouncing rising anti-Semitism and pledging to "do everything" to prevent Jews from living in fear.
"I deeply admire the way Jewish communities emphasize their responsibility for creating a better, fairer society for everyone," Cameron stated. "This is one of the reasons the community has made such an immeasurable contribution to all areas of British life."
"As Jewish communities unite in prayer across the world, thoughts will turn to the tragic loss of life that we have seen following a number of horrific and abhorrent anti-Semitic attacks over the past year," he continued.
"Jewish communities must not be left to live in fear," Cameron stressed. "As Prime Minister I will do everything I can to stamp out such hatred now and in the future."
The British Prime Minister also noted his, and Britain's, commitment to Holocaust remembrance.
"The UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation which I set up with cross-party support is already undertaking urgent work to capture the testimony of British holocaust survivors and to ensure that the lessons of the darkest chapter of our history are never forgotten."
"There is no more important task than working together to create a world free from prejudice and hate in all its forms," he concluded.
Cameron, who met in London last week with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, ended his message with the traditional Jewish greeting: "Shana Tova and a ketivah v’chatima tovah."