Highway 443 to the northwest of Jerusalem, which is a road stretching from Lod past Modi'in towards the capital, is rapidly becoming a key terror flashpoint after four new victims were recorded on Thursday night alone.
In the latest attacks a motorcyclist was lightly wounded when Arab terrorists hurled rocks and hit him in the head, as he drove towards Modi'in having left the northwest reaches of Jerusalem at around 2 a.m.
The attack took place near the Dor Alon gas station, where an Israeli was stabbed repeatedly last Sunday by an Arab terrorist while the Arab employees of the gas station watched and "chuckled." The Israeli was wounded, and the terrorist shot and killed by security forces.
The motorcyclist on Thursday was evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem to receive treatment.
In another incident on the same stretch of highway Thursday night, three Israelis were lightly wounded in a separate rock attack.
Among the victims was a baby girl. The wounded were able to reach Ofer Prison just northwest of Jerusalem on the highway, which was adjacent to where they were attacked; they did not require evacuation to a hospital.
The rock attack on the baby girl comes after yet another attack on Highway 443 the night before on Wednesday, when a two-year-old baby girl and her father were lightly wounded in a rock attack.
In that incident, the infant was evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Hospital for treatment before later being released the same night.
Rock attacks can be fatal, as tragically illustrated in the murder of the infant Adelle Biton, who was critically wounded at the age of two by Arab terrorists who threw rocks at her family's car and hit her directly in the head, causing brain damage. In February the tiny terror victim died of complications from the wounds she suffered in the attack, after a grueling two-year struggle to recuperate.
Highway 443, opened to Arab traffic by a Supreme Court order in 2010, is far from the only site where Arab rock attacks are continuing at full speed.
Repeated attacks by Arab terrorists in the northeastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya led police to raid the area on Thursday, after the terrorists continually hurled rocks at Israeli cars on the road leading near the neighborhood to Ma'ale Adumim to the east of Jerusalem.