Yukiya Amano
Yukiya AmanoReuters

Alongside the Iran nuclear deal reached Tuesday, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head Yukiya Amano announced Tuesday that a "road map" to resolve the military aspects of Iran's nuclear program has also been completed.

Speaking to reporters outside Vienna's Palais Coburg where the negotiations were held, Amano said an agreement had been reached on the "possible military dimensions" (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program, reports the Financial Times.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hailed the agreement with the IAEA on Twitter, posting a picture of Amano signing the deal with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif late Monday night, accompanied by the words: "Just now, Iran and @iaeaorg agree to accelerate cooperation with aim to fully resolve all prior issues."

Iran has continuously refused to answer IAEA questions about military research for the development of a nuclear weapon. Amano earlier this month visited Tehran to try to advance negotiations on this point but met little success.

The IAEA suspects Iran carried out nuclear weapon research until at least 2003, and had been seeking access to scientists who might have been involved, as well as documents and the sites at which any such activities took place.

Amano announced on Tuesday: "I have just signed the road map between Iran and the IAEA for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program. (It) sets out a process to enable the agency with the co-operation of Iran to make an assessment relating to PMD by the end of 2015."

According to Amano, the roadmap plan consists of a "clear sequence of activities," including meetings by technical experts, clarification on IAEA questions, as well as visits to covert nuclear facilities including the Iranian Parchin army base. It remains to be seen how extensive the Parchin visit would be, and how many visits will be allowed.

Iran has already let slip that it tested exploding bridge wire nuclear detonation devices at Parchin, and likewise the military base has been tied to its nuclear program in reports on a mysterious explosion at the site last October.

A diplomatic source claimed Monday night that Iran had agreed to give access to all its nuclear sites, but a senior Iranian official quickly denied that report, saying that the claim of inspections was "psychological warfare" and a "media stunt" meant to influence public opinion ahead of the announcement of the deal.