Despite tough comments by Israeli officials on how the IDF will strike back against Palestinians terrorists who fire rockets at Israel, the defense establishment's efforts are falling far short from what is needed, Orit Struk alleged Thursday.
As a result, the former Jewish Home MK asserted, residents of the south can expect to continue to live insecure lives.
It's all due to the “obsession of the IDF and the diplomatic corps to 'rebuild' Gaza,” said Struk. “There is almost no price to pay for terrorists responsible for these rocket attacks.”
The Israeli Air Force attacked three terrorist infrastructures in Gaza on Wednesday night, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said. The attack came in retaliation for the rocket fire on southern Israel on Wednesday evening, the statement said.
In response to two rockets fired from Gaza on Wednesday night, top defense officials vowed the IDF would do whatever was needed to defend the south.
"We will not tolerate attacks on our civilians," Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon stressed on Thursday morning, with Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan echoing these comments later in the day.
If only that were the case, Struk opined.
“The terrorists know that when they fire a rocket we will respond with an air attack on empty buildings. And in the morning we will continue to send them cement for their terror tunnels, the result of the 'gestures' we have put in place to 'rehabilitate' Gaza” after last summer's Operation Protective Edge."
“We need to stop wasting our money and energy on these 'fantasy' attacks, which are supposed to scare the terrorists into leaving us alone, but always fail,” added Struk. “The only thing that will work is demanding the disarming of Gaza as the price of rebuilding it.”