IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz issued a statement on Tuesday afternoon regarding the case of the lone soldier from the US, who on Monday was punished for eating a non-kosher ham sandwich and offering other soldiers ham sandwiches during an operation of his unit, in breach of army regulations.
The soldier, who reportedly received the sandwiches from his grandmother at her kibbutz, was handed 11 days in military prison, although the punishment was later commuted to confinement on base.
He claimed that he was unaware of the IDF regulations regarding kashrut (Jewish dietary laws), which stipulate that food on bases and in operations must be kosher.
Writing on his Facebook page, Almoz said "the bottom line is that we were wrong."
"In the IDF we will continue to keep kosher on the one hand, but we will not nitpick with a soldier over a sandwich on the other," wrote Almoz. "There are tensions in Israeli society and there are different positions and opinions. In the IDF there is room for everyone."
According to the IDF Spokesperson, the punishment given to the soldier has been cancelled altogether, and he will not be confined to his base but rather released along with his comrades, who together with him are taking part in a squad commander course.