Members of an Iranian opposition group said Thursday that a delegation of North Korean nuclear experts visited nuclear installations in April - after the framework agreement limiting Iranian nuclear activity had already been presented by Western powers negotiating with Tehran.
A Reuters report on Thursday quoted members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as saying that the North Koreans had sent a nine-member delegation to Iran in April – the third such delegation this year.
The group was quoted by Reuters as saying that “the (North Korean) delegates included nuclear experts, nuclear warhead experts and experts in various elements of ballistic missiles including guidance systems.”
"Tehran has shown no interest in giving up its drive to nuclear weapons. The weaponization program is continuing and they have not slowed down the process," NCRI spokesman Shahin Gobadi was quoted as saying in the report.
The group said that the North Koreans toured the Imam Khomenei nuclear facility, near Tehran. The Koreans met with top Iranian officials, including the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), which it said manufactures parts for nuclear warheads. The organization is under US sanctions, Reuters reported.
The NCRI is considered by many to be a very credible organization on the nuclear issue, as it has revealed in the past many important pieces of information, such as the existence of the nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz and the Arak heavy water facility.
However, some have criticized the group for its “political agenda,” Reuters said.
Members of the six country group that negotiated the framework deal with Iran have not commented on the story. The framework has yet to be approved by the governments. The US Congress is expected to discuss the deal at length in the coming weeks.