Amnon Abramovich
Amnon AbramovichFlash 90

Channel 2 News commentator Amnon Abramovich apologized on Sunday for "unsavory" remarks made against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during a news broadcast. 

Abramovich was forced to apologize for his statements after Israeli citizen Mark Brill filed a complaint with the Second Authority for Television and Radio, website The Seventh Eye reported.

Last Tuesday, Abramovich was invited by Channel 2 to take part in their studio broadcast, which featured a discussion on then ongoing coalition negotiations between Likud and various other parties. 

While addressing the distribution of portfolios, Abramovich charged that "Netanyahu, in the language of the guys, opened his legs to [Kulanu chairman Moshe] Kahlon, to the haredi parties, and bestowed upon them everything good."

"The remark elicited anger and articles in response, as well as complaints to the Second Authority for Television and Radio," sources told The Seventh Eye.

David Regev, the public advocate of the Second Authority, responded in writing to Brill's complaint. 

"I received your petition, and I have received more, regarding this offensive statement. [It is] profane and degrading treatment on the part of Amnon Abramovich against the Prime Minister."

"Following my receiving of your complaint," Regev continued, "I watched the clip and found that it was justified. This is crude language, unsuitable for broadcasting in general, and studio news in particular."

Regev concluded his letter to Brill by saying Channel 2  had been reprimanded and told to have Abramovich apologize and refrain from using such language in the future.