High Court of Justice (file)
High Court of Justice (file)Flash90

Avigdor Yitzchaki, a member of the Kulanu negotiating team, said Thursday that the party had made clear in its discussions with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that it would not tolerate any attempts to harm the current standing of the High Court.

That includes several laws that Jewish Home is demanding be included in its deal with the Likud, as well as a tenet that is included in Likud's agreement with United Torah Judaism.

We are concerned that the Knesset will attempt to legislate methods that would allow High Court decisions to be ignored,” Yitzchaki said.

“We have thus written into the coalition agreement that in the event such bills are brought for a vote, we will not be obligated to support them. That would include laws to increase the number of members of the judges selection committee.”

In its agreement with UTJ, the Likud agreed to support a law that will allow the Knesset to reinstitute legislation that the High Court has struck down, allowing in effect a Knesset veto of High Court decisions with a special majority, at least as a temporary measure.

Jewish Home also supports this law, as well as another that would institute a change in the makeup of the committee to choose High Court judges. 

On Wednesday night, United Torah Judaism and Kulanu became the first parties to join Netanyahu's new coalition. The Prime Minister signed a coalition agreement with UTJ heads Yaakov Litzman and Moshe Gafni, and shortly after signed a deal with Moshe Kahlon.