Arab terrorists in the Hamas stronghold of Gaza fired five rockets on Tuesday afternoon, as part of a program of rocket testing in preparation for the next war against Israel.
Of the five rockets fired at the Mediterranean Sea, one failed, while the other four launches were successful, reports Walla!.
Israel has been strictly supervising the influx of all goods into Gaza, so as to prevent weapons from reaching Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists to be used against the Jewish state.
As a result, Hamas has been putting a lot of energy into developing its production of domestic rockets within Gaza, such as the M-75 long-range projectile and other models. The research and development has been aided by massive smuggling activities.
Early last month a senior Hamas leader emphasized this point, saying Hamas is producing rockets to attack Israel.
That process has included numerous rocket testings since Hamas's last terror war ended last August. One of the most recent tests took place in late January, when a mass wave of ten rockets were fired.
Aside from holding tests, Gaza terrorists have breached the ceasefire at least three times in rocket assaults on Israel, with Hamas denying responsibility each time despite being in control of the coastal enclave.
In the last war Hamas - as well as Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction - fired thousands of missiles and mortars at Israeli civilian centers.
It also lethally unveiled its terror attack tunnels into Israel. Over 30 such tunnels were destroyed, but Hamas has been busily rebuilding the tunnels since last summer.