Hours after a hassidic Jew from the Belz sect was stabbed in the neck in Antwerp, Belgium, a friend of his told Arutz Sheva the injury was not as bad as initially reported. He has been released from the hospital to his home and his condition is good, said the friend.
The identity of the suspect is not known, he said, and security cameras failed to record the attack.
Local news media initially said that a hareidi Jew was seriously wounded in the attack, which took place under a rail bridge.
Police promptly arrested a suspect but he was released after a short time when it became apparent he had nothing to do with the attack.
Antwerp is home to a large hareidi Jewish community.
On May 24, a gunman opened fire in Brussels' Jewish Museum, killing an Israeli couple, a French woman and a Belgian man. French national Mehdi Nemmouche was arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack.