Security officials on Monday interdicted two incidents of smuggling at Ben Gurion Airport, preventing passengers from surreptitiously loading drugs and weapons on a plane.
According to officials, a passenger tried to check onto a flight with a bag that contained a doll which was stuffed with a bullet cartridge. The bullet-stuffed doll was found in the passenger's hand baggage.
When security officials discovered the bullets, the passenger attempted to escape. He was detained a few minutes later by guards. He was scheduled to depart Israel on Air Uzbekistan flight 302, which was to depart at 2:00 PM. The passenger, a 36 year old Israeli, was then questioned, and said that he had been given the doll by a fellow passenger, who asked him to carry the doll for her because her hand baggage was “overweight.” He was unable to point out the passenger.
Because of the incident, security officials unloaded all the luggage from the cargo hold of the plane and re-examined it – this time finding drugs in the hand baggage of another passenger, a female Uzbekistani citizen, who was apparently the person who gave the doll to the Israeli. The drugs, along with other bullets and dangerous objects, were found stuffed in dolls and toys in her luggage.
The plane was grounded, and it is not clear when it will take off. The Israeli and Uzbekistani detainees were given over to the custody of the police, who will charge them as appropriate.