Two days after Israeli singers Gad Elbaz and Naftali Kalfa released a prayerful song calling for the return of the three teens kidnapped last Thursday by Hamas terrorists, a new, soulful anthem for the release of the three has been released by Shmueli (Shmuel Schwartz).
Shmueli, an American Jewish singer and musician, posted his heartfelt "Bring Back Our Boys" to YouTube on Tuesday. The moving melody can be heard here:
The song, composed and sung by Shmueli, features the words "a father hopes, a mother trusts, a nation unites; our day has turned to night. A cellphone rings, panic strikes, tell me what are we to do; Hashem (G-d) our only hope is you."
It also quotes in Hebrew from Psalm 121, with the lines: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: from whence shall my help come? My help cometh from the L-rd."
"We call to you, we pray out loud in a strong voice, please Hashem bring back our boys," sings Shmueli.