Hassidic singer Shloime Gertner of London recently filmed an emotionally charged video clip in Jerusalem's Old City for the song "Shema Yisrael," which appeared on his popular album "Imagine" that released over the winter.

The song, composed by co-vocalist Dudi Kalish and written by Tal Markovich, was beautifully translated to video by the popular director Yoni Tzur. The fruit of their labor can be seen here:

The lyrics translate as follows: "Listen O Israel, I'll close my eyes / I'll roam to you, to you Jerusalem. My heart is in the east, you are at the edge of the sun, the sun / the twilight of the night wasn't like last night."

The chorus: "The tune of my heart cannot be returned / the raising of my eyes towards yours lofty Western Wall forever. My hands are stretched through the slits of hopes / the voice touched my lost soul, hope remained."

Filming "Shema Yisrael" Public Relations