Thousands of people gathered on Wednesday evening at the Binyanei HaUma in Jerusalem for the “One State for One Nation” convention. Arutz Sheva was there.
The participants, which included the heads of the settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria as well as prominent MKs, called on the Israeli government to ignore the pressure and threats from the world and to continue to build new communities in Judea and Samaria.
“The main message is to build new communities on the mountains of Judea and Samaria,” said Daniela Weiss, head of the Nachala movement and co-organizer of the convention, in a conversation with Arutz Sheva.
“There is still a huge space that hasn’t been built upon and is defined as ‘government land’. It’s about 600,000 acres that is government property and we want to build new settlements on this property,” she declared.
Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz, a resident of the Binyamin region community of Givat Assaf which has faced threats of demolition, said that the convention issued a call to Israel to build in Judea and Samaria because, as he put it, there is no such thing as two states for two peoples.
“We’ve had enough of this ridiculous notion of two states for two peoples,” he said. “There aren’t two peoples that have a claim on the land of Israel. The Palestinians aren’t a people and it’s about time that everybody went back to the original formula of the Zionist establishment: establishing a homeland for the people of Israel only.”