Prince Harry
Prince HarryIsrael news photo: AFP

A white British convert to Islam has admitted to threatening to murder Prince Harry, British media outlets report.

Mark Townley, 30, who now goes by the name Ashraf Islam, walked into a police station and confessed to wanting to murder the prince.

Police searched Islam’s laptop and found that he had visited terrorist websites.

Islam has served time in jail in the past, and reportedly converted to Islam in prison. He reportedly described himself as a "part time" Muslim.

His threat to Prince Harry came shortly after the brutal murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, who was beheaded on a London street in a slaying that shocked the UK.

Prince Harry, 28, is third in line for the throne. British officials have expressed concern that Harry could be a target for terrorists due to his tours of Afghanistan. He served in Afghanistan twice, with the Household Cavalry and the Army Air Corps.

The Afghan Taliban had vowed to kidnap or murder the prince. Prince Harry also faced danger due to attacks unrelated to his status as a British royal.