Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is in Beijing, attended a festive dinner Thursday evening with senior Chinese economic leaders, Chinese government representatives and Israeli and Chinese business people.
At the start of the event, Prime Minister Netanyahu said:
"This is the conclusion of a very successful visit. I met this afternoon with President Xi and yesterday I met with Premier Li and we agreed to establish a task force of senior Israeli and Chinese government officials to work out a strategic plan to enable the highest level of cooperation between Israeli technologists, businesspeople and experts and all facets of the Chinese economy.
"I think this is a breakthrough, and it’s very, very significant for Israel and I believe it will also be significant for China.
"China faces the needs of rapid urbanization, explosive growth of cities, and growth from middle income to higher incomes. There is only one way to ensure a successful transition in both areas: technology. The decision of the Chinese government and the Israeli government to join forces, I think is very very important for both of us.
"We will have to encourage, in my opinion, in the areas that you decide that are important to you. We will have to encourage as many partnerships and joint ventures as we can. Because this is the best way to assure a continuous infusion of technology.
"The need for innovation never stops. It always continues, at every stage of the business, of the development. This is the way to assure that the Israeli partners continue to infuse technology into Chinese needs, Chinese businesses, Chinese projects, in China and outside of China.
"So I have a simple suggestion. Let’s go. How do you say it in Chinese? Jai oh."