A British politician who said that Jews deliberately orchestrated the Holocaust has been suspended by her party.
Anna-Marie Crampton allegedly wrote on her website, “Holocaust means a sacrifice by fire. Only the Zionists could sacrifice their own in the gas chambers.”
“The Second World Wide War was engineered by the Zionist Jews and financed by the banksters to make the general public all over the world feel so guilty and outraged by the Holocaust that a treaty would be signed to create the State of Israel as we know it today.”
Cramptom, a UKIP candidate for local government, made the alleged comments on a conspiracy website.
The UKIP, which describes itself as democratic and libertarian, has released a statement saying the party is “appalled” by the comments. “We are confused as to why a party like the UKIP would be seen by anyone as a suitable vehicle for someone holding these sorts of views,” a party spokesman said.
However, the party is withholding judgment until after an investigation. Crampton has claimed that the offensive remarks were posted by a “troll” who hacked her account.
She said that she does “post on Zionism as a political movement,” but denies harboring anti-Semitic feelings.
If Crampton is found not to have made the remarks, UKIP will apologize for suspending her, party officials said.