The State of Israel once again asked the High Court on Tuesday to cancel a temporary injunction prohibiting it from evacuating an Arab outpost in the area known as E1, as Palestinian Authority Arabs tried to re-enter the illegal outpost that was evacuated on Saturday night.
In an urgent appeal to the Court, the State asked that it be allowed to immediately remove the tents that had been set up at the outpost. As it did in a previous request to the Court to rescind its injunction, the State indicated that the presence of the tents constitutes an immediate security danger and can create serious disturbances.
Meanwhile on Tuesday, some 50 PA Arabs tried to return to the outpost. Border Police officers who were on the scene were able to prevent them from doing so. 19 people, including 18 Arabs and a leftist activist, were arrested.
Arab activists set up the outpost on Friday in the area, which connects Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim, and that was just recently opened to construction for Israelis.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu later ordered security forces to immediately evacuate the Arabs, ordering the closure of access roads to the area in order to prevent gatherings until the High Court rescinds its injunction against the evacuation of the outpost.