Leftist demo
Leftist demoIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai needed heavy protection from the police's Yasam unit Monday after a stormy session of the Municipal Council was interrupted by social activists, who reportedly tried to attack him as he left.

Ultra-leftist "social protest" activists are planning a "rage demonstration" for Tuesday evening in order to protest police violence against the "social protest" on Friday and Saturday. Coincidentally or not, the leftists borrowed terminology often used by Hamas, which declares "days of rage" once in a while.

Some activists are also calling on artists to boycott a Tel Aviv festival

The "White Night" festival on Thursday night is to include more than 100 events throughout the city. Dozens of shows will be held for free, and culture and arts institutes will remain open all night long.  

Following the weekend run-in with police, two leftist activists initiated the boycott – dubbed "Black Night" – and have had limited success thus far, according to a report in Yisrael Hayom. A few shows have been cancelled, including a panel discussion with writers and musicians.

One of the two initiators is architect Tzvi Elhayani, apparently the same man who was under investigation in the past for issuing a "death to settlers" call on his Fadcebook page. He was never charged.

Videos of the weekend violence uploaded to the internet show rioters breaking into a bank after smashing its window, but also show a policeman slugging a handcuffed demonstrator in the face (about 10 seconds into the first video embedded), and another policeman grabbing a female protester by the neck and shaking her.