The government continued its war against the Ramat Migron outpost in northern Samaria Saturday night as police violently expelled approximately 10 residents.
Border Police used extreme violence against the residents, including a young couple who married only several weeks ago, even after the officers refused or were unable to show a court order authorizing the middle-of-the-night expulsion.
“[Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu and [Public Security Minister Yitzchak] Aharonovitch have turned the residents of Judea and Samaria into a punching bag for the ‘legal’ authorities," said National Union Knesset Member Dr. Michael Ben-Ari.
Tatzpit, which reports on activities in Judea and Samaria and focuses on police actions that are illegal, said that Border Police surrounded the building at Ramat Migron while back-up forces were deployed on nearby Route 60, the major north-south highway in Judea and Samaria, to prevent supporters from arriving to the outpost.
The police broke down the door to the building and burst in, forcing out a family and as well as six other residents who were at the outpost at the time.
The government has carried out dozens of midnight raids on Ramat Migron, which usually are immediately followed by the residents’ rebuilding the homes.