A synagogue in Colorado was the target of an apparent hate crime after swastikas were reportedly found painted on the Jewish building early Friday marking Adolf Hitler’s birthday, FOX news reported.
Caretaker Stan Peters, who lives next door to the synagogue, told the Colorado Springs Gazette that the words "Happy 4:20" were found painted on two sides of the building along with other iconic Nazi symbols. The "4:20" is a reference to April 20, 1889, Hitler's birthday.
Police were called to the Temple Beit Torah in Colorado Springs just after 7 a.m. Friday. They found swastikas painted on the walls, signs and doors of the building, according to reports.
Judith Barthel, a board member at the synagogue, called the vandalism "horrifying" in an interview with the newspaper.
“There are still quite a few people who have a lot of hatred for anyone who is different from them,” added Peters.