Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, Yuli Edelstein, relayed his Passover greetings to the Jewish people around the world.
“In every generation one has to see himself as if he has been freed from Egypt,” said the Minister, an immigrant from Russia. This, he says, is not such a hard task for those, like himself, who spent years in Soviet labor camps, focusing all of their efforts on returning to Zion and building a future in the land of Israel.
In every generation as well, the Jewish people are faced with enemies who seek their annihilation and destruction. “Anti-Semites of all kinds,” Edelstein notes, “are still present in this world.”
We have to remember, he says, that “only together, being one people, remembering what we stand for” will we “be able not just to overcome the difficulties, but to develop a better future.”