Shopping for Matzah
Shopping for MatzahFlash 90

For the past decade, the Bnai Israel Matzoh Fund, headed by Alan Hirsch of Brooklyn, New York, has been distributing Passover help to needy families in Judea and Samaria.

The organization provides the families with matzah, wine, grape juice, chicken, meat, vegetables, and a check of about $1,000. Last year the Matzoh Fund was able to help over 1,600 families in the Gush Etzion, Hevron and the Shomron communities for Pesach.

“As time goes on our name has grown and this year we have been contacted by even more communities that are in need,” Hirsch said in a letter posted on the Matzoh Fund website. “They come from yishuvim such as Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Maaleh Amos, Bat Ayin, Meitzad, Maale Chaver, Alon Shvut, Shilo, Chavat Gilad, Yitzhar, Neve Daniele, Itamar, Maale Levana, Nokdim and the most way out places in Israel. We have the ability to deliver to every one of these places.”

The organization has issued a call for donations, emphasizing that “every penny that you give is spent on the purchase and distribution of their Pesach needs, with no other overhead what-so-ever.”

“We have already ordered the wine, the matzohs, the meat and chickens. We must raise almost $250,000 to cover these costs,” said Hirsch.

Last year, through the generosity of a donor, the Matzoh Fund prepared a video (below). The video was prepared to show supporters what the organization actually does.

For more details on the Bnai Israel Matzoh Fund, visit