Video of the rock ambush in which Arabs attacked Jewish motorists last Tuesday shows the attackers operating in the open, faces uncovered and in broad daylight, with the IDF nowhere to be seen.
The video shows attacks on several vehicles, including that of Zehava Weiss, a Jewish mother living in the Judean community of Karmei Tzur.
“If I had slowed down, I would have been trapped and blocked off,” she told Arutz Sheva. "The only thing in my mind was to proceed home and not get caught at that crossing. It was difficult to pass through as the rocks came from a distance of just a few feet from the car – 'zero range' as we say. The rioters clearly could see that the car contained two young females, defenseless. We were struck by many rocks; my view was blocked by the cracked glass."
Attacks such as these have become daily occurrences on the roads of Judea and Samaria, and photographers are often present. Yet for some reason, effective photos and videos of the attacks are rarely seen in the media.
Blogger Elder of Zion explained: "Apparently, because AP And AFP uncharacteristically released good photos of the incident, prompting Israeli media to cover the story, Channel 10 in Israel managed to find an actual videotape (since many reporters were there waiting for cars with Israeli plates to be stoned, some with video.)"
"Chances are that the tape would never have been released if it wasn't for the publicity," the blogger observed.
Arutz Sheva asked the IDF Spokesman's Unit to comment on the video. We asked -- "How is it possible that these attacks occur in broad daylight? Has the IDF lost all of its deterrence capacity?"
The IDF replied: IDF forces are stationed permanently at Beit Umar to prevent rock throwing incidents and arrive immediately to take care of riots. In the incident mentioned, two rock throwers were caught near Al Hadr. The IDF operates day and night to catch those involved in "popular" terror and in terror in general.