Asher and Yonatan Palmer
Asher and Yonatan PalmerPalmer family

Pua Palmer, whose husband Asher and baby son Yonatan were murdered by Arab rock-throwers four months ago, gave birth Wednesday to a healthy baby girl.

Asher Palmer and Yonatan, who was a year old, were driving on Route 60 near Halhoul, north of Hevron, when terrorists in an oncoming car threw a large rock into the Palmer's windshield.

The rock smashed into Asher's head and caused him to lose control of the car, which veered to the side of the road and overturned. Father and son were killed in the crash.

The double murder was initially declared an accident by the army and police

A few days later, the authorities admitted the truth

Nationalists said that the reason the authorities initially covered up the murder was that they did not want the attack, and possible protests, to undermine a visit by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the United States.