Recent demolitions of outposts are part of psychological warfare to prepare the public for mass expulsions, warns a Yesha leader.
Sarah Eliyash, deputy chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria (Yesha), said she is calling for an urgent conference of Yesha leaders to break off relations with the government as a response to the recent wave of demolitions of Jewish homes and the expulsion of families, including women and babies, in the middle of the night.
“We plan to break off all contact with Cabinet ministers and Knesset Members, the army and the Civil Lands Administration” as a response to the expulsions, she said. “We cannot give legitimacy to this absurd situation.”
Eliyash explained, “In the past few weeks, we have experienced a series of violent expulsions, and no one has reacted to it. The accumulative psychological effect is very dangerous and creates a norm that is accepted by the general public.
“We know that psychologists helped plan how to execute the expulsion of residents of Gush Katif [in 2005], and it is more than probable that the recent expulsions are a prelude to make it acceptable to the general public to abandon us.”
She compared what she called “barbaric vandalism” by the police and hired Arabs, evidenced by several videos, with Egypt during the regime of Hosni Mubarak.
The Netanyahu government’s promises, if accepted by the Palestinian Authority, would result in the expulsions of more than 100,000 Jews in large communities, some of them numbering well over 1,000 families, throughout Judea and Samaria.