The average salary for state workers rose by 6.89% in 2010, according to a report submitted Monday by Finance Ministry wages director Ilan Levine. The average salary now stands at 13,630 shekels a month, compared to 12,752 in 2009.
Levine submitted reports on salaries in the public sector and the security sector in 2010, and on the overall cost of employee salaries in various public bodies in 2010. The reports were submitted to Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin and other MKs.
The average public sector salary was up as well, Levine found, rising by 3.44% to an average of 7,885 shekels a month, compared to 7,623 in 2009.
The reports relate to a total of 184,544 public sector workers: 55,828 state employees, 98,053 teachers, 2,323 employed by the Defense Ministry, 21,191 in the Israel Police, and 7,149 Prison Services employees.
The average salary for Defense Ministry employees stood at 19,848 shekels a month in 2010, while the average among police was 14,210, and in the Prison Services, 11,720.
Teachers earned an average of 9,990 shekels a month in 2010. The average was brought up by teachers included in the Ofek Hadash (“New Horizon”) program, who earned an average of 10,709 shekels a month, compared to 9,018 among those who were not part of the program.