Two weeks ago, the Knesset members began their summer break with mixed feelings. On the one hand, the social protest is intensifying but on the other hand, no majority was achieved to approve the cancellation of the break. This week we learned that the Knesset plenum has its own plans for the summer: renovations.
As part of the renovations that are taking place during the break, the carpet in the plenum will be replaced and the computer systems will be upgraded.
Despite the perceived necessity, the timing is turning out to be a bit problematic. While previously scheduled discussions will still take place in the Knesset despite the renovations, they will convene in a different auditorium. The Kadima faction is already taking advantage of the opportunity to attack, such as in the letter MK Shlomo Molla sent to the Knesset Speaker.
“It is first class insensitivity,” wrote Molla. “Not only is the break not shortened, the plenum is shut down at such a sensitive time period. The alternative auditorium that was chosen for next week’s discussion is a bad joke.”
MK Ze’ev Bielski, also from Kadima, said, “Unfortunately, this unadvertised building while everyone is on vacation is an indication of the Israeli government’s insensitivity towards those people whose protest is so real and authentic. But despite the renovations, the Knesset can still work. Not all the rooms here are under renovations.”
MK Carmel Shama-Hacohen of the Likud, however, dismissed Kadima’s accusations, saying, “We need to maintain from time to time. This is the time to renovate, during the break.”
Shama-Hacohen dismissed the attempt to connect the renovations to the social protest and said: “Whoever wants to purposely connect this to the protest does it for opposition considerations which are petty and vexing.”
(Video above courtesy of the Knesset Channel)