The Palmer report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla will say that Israel’s naval blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip is indeed legal, it was reported Wednesday.
The report will also praise the Turkel Commission, the Israeli committee that probed last year’s clash with the Mavi Marmara, for acting independently.
The Palmer committee is expected to be sharply critical of the IHH organization for sending the Marmara to Gaza and also of the Turkish government for its involvement in organizing the flotilla.
It was reported that the Palmer committee is also expected to criticize the governmental committee set up by Turkey to probe the flotilla.
Although the report is expected to determine that Israel acted according to international law with regards to the blockade on the Gaza Strip, it will also criticize the Israeli Navy’s takeover of the Marmara and will say it “acted early and with too much force.”
Earlier on Wednesday, the Chinese-based Xinhua news agency reported that the Palmer report, originally expected to be published Thursday, has been delayed indefinitely due to disagreement between Israel and Turkey in talks.
The report said the impasse centers on Turkish concerns over clauses in the report accusing Ankara of having ties with the IHH as well as direct involvement in the flotilla.