“Follow your heart, Come to Israel,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu tells a young Israel – and other Jews – living in the United States.
Speaking on his new YouTube people-to-people channel, he answered a question from “Gilad,” a young Israeli living in Alabama.
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The expatriate told the Prime Minister, “I have a desire inside me to serve the Jewish homeland that has given me my life. I am fascinated that at such a young age you were able to pick yourself up, move to Israel and serve in the Israel Defense Forces. What motivated you and brought you the power to do so?” he asked.
Prime Minister Netanyahu corrected Gilad's misconception that he was raised in the United States when he actually grew up in Israel but studied in Philadelphia during his high school years.
"But I know there are many others like you who identify with their Jewish roots and want to make their home in Israel, the Jewish state and the Jewish homeland,” he replied.
Prime Minister Netanyahu continued, “I can give you one piece of encouragement. The older I get, the more I realize what a wise thing it is to follow your heart. Your heart is often wiser than any other part of you. Follow your heart. Come to Israel.”