The High Court is expected to order on Sunday a new round of expulsion of Jews from outposts while allowing the home of fallen IDF officer Major Eliraz Peretz to remain. The Golani officer was killed last year in Gaza.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu vowed that his home, located in a community in Samaria on land claimed by leftists to be owned by Arabs, will not be destroyed. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has reversed his position after originally wanting to demolish the Peretz home in the community of Eli.
The court is expected to exempt it for humanitarian reasons, sparing Peretz’s widow and children the fate of expulsion and then seeing their home demolished by the government. However, many of their neighbors probably will not be granted a “humanitarian” exemption.
The government has tried to distinguish between Jewish homes built on government land and those built on land allegedly owned by Arabs.
Danny Danon, chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria, sharply criticized the Defense Ministry’s view, that was related to the High Court.
“Given the total violations of the 'rules of the game'' by the Palestinian Authority, the ministry’s suggested decree against Jews in Judea and Samaria the past several years are irrelevant,” Danon said. He added that recent events have made it imperative that Defense Minister Barak approve new building for Jews in Judea and Samaria instead of destroying homes.
“Just as Arabs unite in their hatred of Israel, we must be unified for building Zionism on the ground instead of dividing the people and destroying Jewish homes,” Danon said.